德马尔·德罗赞早上6点起床做他的常规动作,克莱·汤普森晚上回到体育馆去射击。凯尔·洛瑞是联盟中得分最高的球员之一,他来找我说:“你需要什么教练?58003 It is called selfless.
people always ask “How do you get these big egos together?” If you have a good common cause --to play for your country and win a gold medal -- that’s a pretty good common cause. Like we say in powerForward, they make a commitment to being part of something that is bigger than you.
Do you love to win or hate to lose?
教练K: Both! I would say for me, the thought of losing is a bigger motivator than the thought of winning. But the hatred of losing causes you to prepare to win. Everybody wants to win, not everybody wants to prepare to win. Youhave to love the process of preparing to achieve that goal of winning.people who are less talented can beat you if they are more together, tougherand more unselfish.
My kids play little league, and there is a mercy rule that stops better teams from running up the score too high. Are you able to take your foot off the gas during a game?
教练K: I would hope that I am faced with the opportunity in every game that I coach! A lot of people ask if I prefer a close exciting game or a blowout --as long as we’re the ones blowing out the other team, the sooner the better.
Does that competitiveness carry through in business? Do you look to crush your competition?
Gorman: In business, you have to be agile. You have to be open to someone coming in and disrupting you. You can’t rest on your laurels. It is always competitive, but in the end, it is all about your investors and your customers. You are working to make their investment of time and money worthwhile, that’s where your focus needs to be.
教练K: I think your focus should always be on yourself, being the best that you can be. Your competition shows your flaws, your weakness. I’m into beating my opponents, not crushing them. Without competition, you don’t know how people are looking to beat you. So you welcome that. To “crush” someone means that you feel like you won. But if you’re committed to excellence, it’s not about one game, you have to be there all the time. You’re never at the end, you’re always "becoming."
When you are recruiting new players for Duke, you have statistics that show how talented a player is, but are there any tells that you look for to see if you want them on your team?
教练K: We look for three things: talent, academic abilityand character. Are they easy to coach? Is it all about them or is it all about us? We give those equal weight, and if one is missing, we won’t try to recruit that player.
Do those three pillars line up with recruiting employees in business?
Gorman: Yes, particularly when it come to character. I look for people who say “we” more than “I.” When someone says “we” that means that they feel a part of something being built.
教练K: I ask every kid I’m visiting, “What are your goals?” I visited twothis weekend who said, “I want to be part of a national championship team.” And you love to hear an answer like that. If they start asking how many shots they’ll take or minutes they’ll play, that'll all shake itself out -- most likely as you are playing for another team. The “we” concept is huge for us.
Gorman: It'sfunny, as I’m building this team for powerForward, if someone’s first question is “what will the salary be?” it’s not the right fit. This is a startup, this is about building something together and about the experience. You can go somewhere else if all you’re looking for is a comfortable salary.
part of being a leader isdealing with the good and the bad. The NCAA just announced that they are pulling all championship games from North Carolina due to its controversial transgender bathroom law. 你对此有何感想?
教练K: I was asked about this law when we were preparing for the Olympics in Las Vegas. It was a very short answer: 很尴尬。 And I still feel it is embarrassing because it is discriminatory. 58003
You coached all of these guys on Team USA, and now they’re all back in the NBA. 58003
教练K:58003 I want them to be taken care of contractually. In 11 years, in the last five competitions we’ve won, we’ve coached 39 NBA players and they’ve all won gold medals. Some multiple times. I have anywhere from 16 to20 former Duke players in the NBA. I want good things to happen for them all.
On Christmas, I’ll be watching the NBA games with my grandsons and I’ll be able to say, "On the court right now, there are sixguys I’ve coached." Then the next game will have four or seven. I just want them to do well. And I keep in contact with a lot of them. Relationships are another keyword that we teach in powerForward. We want people to take these words, make them their own and be better for it.